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Medical Screening

Global Adventure Challenges Ltd. is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all participants undertaking adventure challenges.


All our challenges require some degree of strenuous exercise from participants and the level of difficulty for each challenge is outlined in the itineraries and on our website. Through medical screening, Global Adventure Challenges aims to ensure that all participants taking part in organised activities are of a satisfactory level of health and fitness to do so. Our policy applies to everyone and ensures that all participants are screened consistently regardless of disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity. The aim of screening is to ensure that participants are not unnecessarily put at risk because of underlying health issues and furthermore that Global adventure Challenges has, as so far as is reasonably practicable, operated with due diligence to prevent incidents from occurring. Therefore as part of the registration process we require you to complete a medical questionnaire in full. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with the Data Protection Act and we ask that you disclose all your medical history. Depending on the answers given you may need to get your Doctor to sign and stamp your medical declaration. If you are 70 years of age or over at time of travel you must be authorised by your Doctor regardless of the answers given. Our policy is to encourage and support as many people as possible to take part in our challenges.

Please click on the link below to read our full policy statement.

Medical Screening Policy


It is strongly recommended that you consult a medical professional to ensure your vaccinations are all up to date. You must discuss your own particular needs and contra-indications to vaccines or tablets with them. Always seek professional advice: Below is a link to the NHS website that gives more information on travel vaccinations:

Travel vaccinations - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If you do receive vaccinations, it is advisable to carry a vaccination certificate with you. In addition, people on prescription medication should carry a note from their Doctor stating the treatment, drug name and dosage.

People on prescription medication should take time to prepare for their trip well in advance and should carry their medication in its original packaging, along with a copy of their prescription and a letter from the prescriber. More advice on carrying medication abroad can be found at the following link:


It is important to note that the legal status of your medication may be different outside the UK. Rules for the countries you are travelling to can be checked with the relevant foreign embassy in the UK. The link below gives further information on the rules for taking your medication abroad and also includes links for different embassies:
